Code of Ethics
  • I will only practice my art of healing for the benefit of my patients. I acknowledge this art is founded in science, however, an integral component of it includes compassion, sympathy, understanding and love for the patient.
  • I shall strive to lead my life and my practice virtuously and honourably, with a good will and with impeccable conduct. I will not indulge in any such vice that may jeopardize my oath, and I will never practice my art to aid in corruption or allow personal incentives to cloud my judgement.
  • I will not allow matters of ideology, politics, social standing, religion, nationality, or race to stand in the way of my duty towards my patient.
  • I will responsibly take a holistic approach in regard to the care of my patient and not hinder aid due to my personal bias of treatments.
  • I will encourage the patient to be an active participant in their medical treatment, and vow to uphold their decisions that have been made with all the relevant information available to them.
  • I will keep all the secrets that are confided in me by my patients, and will never reveal them, even once they have passed away.
  • Above all, the health of my patient will be my priority. I will be loyal to my patient and act in their best interests, never neglecting my duty to them.